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 AudioWorld News Summary - October 11, 2006 [ << PREV ]   [ NEXT >> ]
#!/usr/bin/perl # The previous line (first line in file) needs to point to the system path for perl on Unix machines. # Under NT, this line is usually unnecessary...unless you are running Apache for NT. #################################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2000 Anaconda Partners LLC #################################################################################### $ap_setpackage = 1; package APFX; $ap_setpackage = 1; $ExecutiveInit++; unless($ExecutiveInit) { $ap_modules{versions} .= "[ANACONDA! LAUNCH STUB]: [1.2] [6/6/00]
"; } # #### EXTRA PARAMETERS ########################################################## # # Additional parameters can be set here to pass to the Anaconda Executive. If you want # to run the Foundation products with several different options, and you don't want to # always pass the options on the URL, you can create multiple copies of, all # named differently, and put the specific URL options for each in this setting. $ap_extraparms = ""; # #### PATHS ##################################################################### # # This should be unnecessary, but if the stub cannot find the apexecutive.apl file, you can hardcode # the system path to the script directory where the apexecutive.apl file is found. Do not include a # trailing "/". $ap_scriptpath = "."; # # System path to template files. $ap_parm{templatepath} = "/home/audio/public_html/cgi-bin/anaconda_templates"; # # Name of template file (or URL) $ap_parm{template} = "aftemplate.html"; #$ap_parm{templateurl} = ""; # #### COMMUNICATIONS ############################################################ # # STD or ALT # Try setting this to "ALT" if the host communication times out. $ap_parm{commtype} = "STD"; # # UNIX or NT $ap_parm{os} = "UNIX"; # # Timeout value $ap_parm{maxtime} = 12; # #### SECURITY ################################################################## # # For extra security: # This line lets you define the hosts that are authorized to refer browsers to this # script. Uncomment the line and edit or add your addresses to utilize this. #@ap_referers = (''); # #### USER DEFINED EXTENSIONS ################################################### # # User defined processing file # File gets "required" in (if it exists) right after settings. Don't do important processing in the # main file if you plan on using mod_perl, as mod_perl doesn't run this section for successive instances. # You can read documentation about the user defined processing at: # #$ap_userfunc{FILE} = ""; # ################################################################################ ###### PLEASE CHANGE NOTHING BELOW THIS LINE! ################################## $| = 1; if(@ap_referers) { fap_stub_DoRefs(); } if($ap_scriptpath and (-e "$ap_scriptpath/apexecutive.apl")) { $I1II1I1II1I1I1II = "$ap_scriptpath/apexecutive.apl"; $ap_parm{scriptpath} = $ap_scriptpath; } else { $ap_parm{scriptpath} = $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}; if(!$ap_parm{scriptpath}) { $ap_parm{scriptpath} = $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}; } $ap_parm{scriptpath} =~ s|[\\/]*[\w\.\d]+$||i; $I1II1I1II1I1I1II = "$ap_parm{scriptpath}/apexecutive.apl"; } if(-e $I1II1I1II1I1I1II) { require "$I1II1I1II1I1I1II"; &fap_exec_go(); } else { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Anaconda Error: Cannot find Anaconda Executive (apexecutive.apl), looked in [$ap_scriptpath] and [$ap_parm{scriptpath}]
"; } sub fap_stub_DoRefs { my($I1III11I1111I1II) = 0; if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}) { foreach $I111IIIIII111I1I (@ap_referers) { if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ m|https?://([^/]*)$I111IIIIII111I1I|i) { $I1III11I1111I1II = 1; last; } } } else { $I1III11I1111I1II = 1; } if ($I1III11I1111I1II != 1) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Anaconda Error: Invalid Referer"; exit; } } 1;
 @ [ Headlines ]   [ The Web ]
#!/usr/bin/perl # The previous line (first line in file) needs to point to the system path for perl on Unix machines. # Under NT, this line is usually unnecessary...unless you are running Apache for NT. #################################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2000 Anaconda Partners LLC #################################################################################### $ap_setpackage = 1; package APFX; $ap_setpackage = 1; $ExecutiveInit++; unless($ExecutiveInit) { $ap_modules{versions} .= "[ANACONDA! LAUNCH STUB]: [1.2] [6/6/00]
"; } # #### EXTRA PARAMETERS ########################################################## # # Additional parameters can be set here to pass to the Anaconda Executive. If you want # to run the Foundation products with several different options, and you don't want to # always pass the options on the URL, you can create multiple copies of, all # named differently, and put the specific URL options for each in this setting. $ap_extraparms = ""; # #### PATHS ##################################################################### # # This should be unnecessary, but if the stub cannot find the apexecutive.apl file, you can hardcode # the system path to the script directory where the apexecutive.apl file is found. Do not include a # trailing "/". $ap_scriptpath = "."; # # System path to template files. $ap_parm{templatepath} = "/home/audio/public_html/cgi-bin/anaconda_templates"; # # Name of template file (or URL) $ap_parm{template} = "aftemplate.html"; #$ap_parm{templateurl} = ""; # #### COMMUNICATIONS ############################################################ # # STD or ALT # Try setting this to "ALT" if the host communication times out. $ap_parm{commtype} = "STD"; # # UNIX or NT $ap_parm{os} = "UNIX"; # # Timeout value $ap_parm{maxtime} = 12; # #### SECURITY ################################################################## # # For extra security: # This line lets you define the hosts that are authorized to refer browsers to this # script. Uncomment the line and edit or add your addresses to utilize this. #@ap_referers = (''); # #### USER DEFINED EXTENSIONS ################################################### # # User defined processing file # File gets "required" in (if it exists) right after settings. Don't do important processing in the # main file if you plan on using mod_perl, as mod_perl doesn't run this section for successive instances. # You can read documentation about the user defined processing at: # #$ap_userfunc{FILE} = ""; # ################################################################################ ###### PLEASE CHANGE NOTHING BELOW THIS LINE! ################################## $| = 1; if(@ap_referers) { fap_stub_DoRefs(); } if($ap_scriptpath and (-e "$ap_scriptpath/apexecutive.apl")) { $I1II1I1II1I1I1II = "$ap_scriptpath/apexecutive.apl"; $ap_parm{scriptpath} = $ap_scriptpath; } else { $ap_parm{scriptpath} = $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}; if(!$ap_parm{scriptpath}) { $ap_parm{scriptpath} = $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}; } $ap_parm{scriptpath} =~ s|[\\/]*[\w\.\d]+$||i; $I1II1I1II1I1I1II = "$ap_parm{scriptpath}/apexecutive.apl"; } if(-e $I1II1I1II1I1I1II) { require "$I1II1I1II1I1I1II"; &fap_exec_go(); } else { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Anaconda Error: Cannot find Anaconda Executive (apexecutive.apl), looked in [$ap_scriptpath] and [$ap_parm{scriptpath}]
"; } sub fap_stub_DoRefs { my($I1III11I1111I1II) = 0; if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}) { foreach $I111IIIIII111I1I (@ap_referers) { if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ m|https?://([^/]*)$I111IIIIII111I1I|i) { $I1III11I1111I1II = 1; last; } } } else { $I1III11I1111I1II = 1; } if ($I1III11I1111I1II != 1) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Anaconda Error: Invalid Referer"; exit; } } 1;
 Around the Web - October 11, 2006 [ Headlines ]   [ AudioShops ]
More than 4,000 audio-specific website links!     Add Your URL
#!/usr/bin/perl # The previous line (first line in file) needs to point to the system path for perl on Unix machines. # Under NT, this line is usually unnecessary...unless you are running Apache for NT. #################################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2000 Anaconda Partners LLC #################################################################################### $ap_setpackage = 1; package APFX; $ap_setpackage = 1; $ExecutiveInit++; unless($ExecutiveInit) { $ap_modules{versions} .= "[ANACONDA! LAUNCH STUB]: [1.2] [6/6/00]
"; } # #### EXTRA PARAMETERS ########################################################## # # Additional parameters can be set here to pass to the Anaconda Executive. If you want # to run the Foundation products with several different options, and you don't want to # always pass the options on the URL, you can create multiple copies of, all # named differently, and put the specific URL options for each in this setting. $ap_extraparms = ""; # #### PATHS ##################################################################### # # This should be unnecessary, but if the stub cannot find the apexecutive.apl file, you can hardcode # the system path to the script directory where the apexecutive.apl file is found. Do not include a # trailing "/". $ap_scriptpath = "."; # # System path to template files. $ap_parm{templatepath} = "/home/audio/public_html/cgi-bin/anaconda_templates"; # # Name of template file (or URL) $ap_parm{template} = "aftemplate.html"; #$ap_parm{templateurl} = ""; # #### COMMUNICATIONS ############################################################ # # STD or ALT # Try setting this to "ALT" if the host communication times out. $ap_parm{commtype} = "STD"; # # UNIX or NT $ap_parm{os} = "UNIX"; # # Timeout value $ap_parm{maxtime} = 12; # #### SECURITY ################################################################## # # For extra security: # This line lets you define the hosts that are authorized to refer browsers to this # script. Uncomment the line and edit or add your addresses to utilize this. #@ap_referers = (''); # #### USER DEFINED EXTENSIONS ################################################### # # User defined processing file # File gets "required" in (if it exists) right after settings. Don't do important processing in the # main file if you plan on using mod_perl, as mod_perl doesn't run this section for successive instances. # You can read documentation about the user defined processing at: # #$ap_userfunc{FILE} = ""; # ################################################################################ ###### PLEASE CHANGE NOTHING BELOW THIS LINE! ################################## $| = 1; if(@ap_referers) { fap_stub_DoRefs(); } if($ap_scriptpath and (-e "$ap_scriptpath/apexecutive.apl")) { $I1II1I1II1I1I1II = "$ap_scriptpath/apexecutive.apl"; $ap_parm{scriptpath} = $ap_scriptpath; } else { $ap_parm{scriptpath} = $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}; if(!$ap_parm{scriptpath}) { $ap_parm{scriptpath} = $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}; } $ap_parm{scriptpath} =~ s|[\\/]*[\w\.\d]+$||i; $I1II1I1II1I1I1II = "$ap_parm{scriptpath}/apexecutive.apl"; } if(-e $I1II1I1II1I1I1II) { require "$I1II1I1II1I1I1II"; &fap_exec_go(); } else { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Anaconda Error: Cannot find Anaconda Executive (apexecutive.apl), looked in [$ap_scriptpath] and [$ap_parm{scriptpath}]
"; } sub fap_stub_DoRefs { my($I1III11I1111I1II) = 0; if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}) { foreach $I111IIIIII111I1I (@ap_referers) { if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ m|https?://([^/]*)$I111IIIIII111I1I|i) { $I1III11I1111I1II = 1; last; } } } else { $I1III11I1111I1II = 1; } if ($I1III11I1111I1II != 1) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Anaconda Error: Invalid Referer"; exit; } } 1;

 More Recent Additions [ Headlines ]   [ AudioShops ]
#!/usr/bin/perl # The previous line (first line in file) needs to point to the system path for perl on Unix machines. # Under NT, this line is usually unnecessary...unless you are running Apache for NT. #################################################################################### # Copyright (C) 2000 Anaconda Partners LLC #################################################################################### $ap_setpackage = 1; package APFX; $ap_setpackage = 1; $ExecutiveInit++; unless($ExecutiveInit) { $ap_modules{versions} .= "[ANACONDA! LAUNCH STUB]: [1.2] [6/6/00]
"; } # #### EXTRA PARAMETERS ########################################################## # # Additional parameters can be set here to pass to the Anaconda Executive. If you want # to run the Foundation products with several different options, and you don't want to # always pass the options on the URL, you can create multiple copies of, all # named differently, and put the specific URL options for each in this setting. $ap_extraparms = ""; # #### PATHS ##################################################################### # # This should be unnecessary, but if the stub cannot find the apexecutive.apl file, you can hardcode # the system path to the script directory where the apexecutive.apl file is found. Do not include a # trailing "/". $ap_scriptpath = "."; # # System path to template files. $ap_parm{templatepath} = "/home/audio/public_html/cgi-bin/anaconda_templates"; # # Name of template file (or URL) $ap_parm{template} = "aftemplate.html"; #$ap_parm{templateurl} = ""; # #### COMMUNICATIONS ############################################################ # # STD or ALT # Try setting this to "ALT" if the host communication times out. $ap_parm{commtype} = "STD"; # # UNIX or NT $ap_parm{os} = "UNIX"; # # Timeout value $ap_parm{maxtime} = 12; # #### SECURITY ################################################################## # # For extra security: # This line lets you define the hosts that are authorized to refer browsers to this # script. Uncomment the line and edit or add your addresses to utilize this. #@ap_referers = (''); # #### USER DEFINED EXTENSIONS ################################################### # # User defined processing file # File gets "required" in (if it exists) right after settings. Don't do important processing in the # main file if you plan on using mod_perl, as mod_perl doesn't run this section for successive instances. # You can read documentation about the user defined processing at: # #$ap_userfunc{FILE} = ""; # ################################################################################ ###### PLEASE CHANGE NOTHING BELOW THIS LINE! ################################## $| = 1; if(@ap_referers) { fap_stub_DoRefs(); } if($ap_scriptpath and (-e "$ap_scriptpath/apexecutive.apl")) { $I1II1I1II1I1I1II = "$ap_scriptpath/apexecutive.apl"; $ap_parm{scriptpath} = $ap_scriptpath; } else { $ap_parm{scriptpath} = $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}; if(!$ap_parm{scriptpath}) { $ap_parm{scriptpath} = $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'}; } $ap_parm{scriptpath} =~ s|[\\/]*[\w\.\d]+$||i; $I1II1I1II1I1I1II = "$ap_parm{scriptpath}/apexecutive.apl"; } if(-e $I1II1I1II1I1I1II) { require "$I1II1I1II1I1I1II"; &fap_exec_go(); } else { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Anaconda Error: Cannot find Anaconda Executive (apexecutive.apl), looked in [$ap_scriptpath] and [$ap_parm{scriptpath}]
"; } sub fap_stub_DoRefs { my($I1III11I1111I1II) = 0; if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}) { foreach $I111IIIIII111I1I (@ap_referers) { if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ m|https?://([^/]*)$I111IIIIII111I1I|i) { $I1III11I1111I1II = 1; last; } } } else { $I1III11I1111I1II = 1; } if ($I1III11I1111I1II != 1) { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Anaconda Error: Invalid Referer"; exit; } } 1;

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