Pacific Research & Engineering Launches Web Site: Features Product Guide, Tech Tips, Corporate Info

San Diego, CA. Broadcast studio equipment and solution provider Pacific Research & Engineering (PR&E) has announced the launch of its site on the world wide web, at

The new site is aimed at three audiences: clients, prospective customers, and investors seeking product and company information.

“Broadcasting customers and investors demand round-the-clock information about products and the Company,” commented PR&E COO Michael Dosch. “The Internet is the medium that provides that access, and our web site is the portal to information on PR&E products and services, as well as company background and news.”

The site has been up officially for a week. A quick scan of the pages today shows a nicely implemented design, with a useful selection of information, lots of product photos and specs, and a cleancut interface that makes it easy to find broad categories of interest. However, some of the more interesting material is buried deep within the site, and it can be a little hard to find.

For current owners of PR&E gear, the web site provides a new channel for obtaining technical support. At the moment, this consists of email links to the tech support department, and a couple of brief application notes. It would certainly be useful to see this section expanded to include answers and suggestions regarding common concerns. Company representatives have stressed that the web site is an ongoing development, and that lots more material will be coming along soon.

Another technical info section is Tech Tips, a projected series of monthly articles written by broadcast engineers. “The tips are written for general consumption by the broadcasting public,” explains Dosch. “The articles supply boradcasters with valuable maintenance and technical tips for application on all types of production and boradcasting equipment, in an array of studio settings.”

The Tech Tips shape up as one of the most interesting parts of the PR&E site, especially for non clients. The most recent Tech Tip is a discussion of console headroom, and some of the design considerations that influence the trade off between headroom and signal-to-noise ratio. It’s a pity that these items are among the most deeply-buried pages. You may have to hunt a little to find them. Hint: they’re linked to each issue of the “AirCheck” newsletter, within the Industry News section.

Product descriptions are brief, but comprehensive. Everything from on-air consoles and studio peripherals, to cabinetry and digital audio workstations is listed and pictured, with feature lists. A key missing detail is pricing.

The PR&E web site also offers information for investors and others interested in the business side of the operation. There are details of the company’s 27-year history, biographies of top management, and corporate news such as PR&E’s recent public offering, copies of recent press coverage, and listings of job openings.

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